Hi, I'm Babak.
Nice to meet you!

Below, you'll find some of my most recent projects.
They showcase the tools and technologies I like to use to get things done.


I like to keep my designs simple
yet stylish.

Design languages I speak:
HTML, CSS, Sass, Bootstrap

Design tools I use:
Pen & Paper


I use some of the most powerful and
versitile technologies to support the
functionality of my web applications.

Backend languages I speak:
C#, JavaScript, Java, Python

Backend technologies I use:
.NET Core
SQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL

My Recent Work

Click on 'Application' to view live version and 'Code' to see the source code.

Description of the image

MUSEic Web Application

With MUSEic you can lookup your favorite song or artist and get some information about a song or album and view a songs lyrics.

The frontend of this web application was built with Angular and the backend with .NET Core. The applications frontend and backend were containerized using Docker and deployed to Azure and is live with Azure Container App.

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